The Association of Mathematics Educators (AME) was founded in December 1994, and this year marks the 30th Anniversary for AME. As a professional association for mathematics teachers and educators in Singapore, AME devotes itself to the enhancement of the quality of mathematics education in Singapore through the promotion of activities and build closer working ties among members of the mathematics educators’ fraternity.
In celebrating AME’s 30th Anniversary, the AME and the Department of Mathematics and Mathematics Education (National Institute of Education) will be co-hosting two workshops specially for mathematics teachers. These workshops are free of charge, and a registration quota applies for each event.
Light refreshments will be served at the two events.
AME Privacy Protection Act Compliance
I understand that by proceeding with this registration, I hereby give consent to the Association of Mathematics Educators (AME) for the collection and use of my personal data declared in this form for the following purposes: 1) administration for the event; 2) for record keeping, statistical and research purposes; 3) to inform me of future activities. AME will not disclose or make my personal data available to a third party without consent, unless required to do so by law.
Any participant who wish to withdraw the consent, please contact the Organiser.
Please note, we will not be able to allow you to take part in the event if you withdraw consent.