ALB Grandway Joint Forum 2023: Paths and Options for Corporate Capitalization under Multi-level Capital Markets 2023 ALB国枫合作论坛:乘“枫”破浪——多层次资本市场下企业资本化的路径与选择
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Welcome to ALB Grandway Joint Forum 2023: Paths and Options for Corporate Capitalization under Multi-level Capital Markets!
欢迎来到2023 ALB国枫合作论坛:乘“枫”破浪——多层次资本市场下企业资本化的路径与选择!
Date: 22 December 2023
Registration: 8.30am to 9.00am
Event: 9.00am to 2.00pm
Venue: Conrad Hangzhou 杭州康莱德酒店
Event Overview 活动概况
基于上述背景,ALB将携手国枫律师事务所于2023年12月22日在杭州共同举办2023 ALB国枫合作论坛:乘“枫”破浪——多层次资本市场下企业资本化的路径与选择。国枫律师事务所在资本市场领域具有丰富实务经验的法律专家们,将就当前形势下企业的投融资机遇与路径与参会者进行充分的交流与探讨,洞察资本市场前沿态势、分享资本市场实务,以国枫律师事务所在资本市场领域专业、创新、协同的优势,与企业法律顾问、企业高管共同发挥助力企业投融资发展的最大价值,实现企业资本化发展的最佳路径选择。
Hot Topics 精彩话题
- 公司法修订草案对公司融资与治理的影响
- 企业资本化路径概览
- 高质量建设北交所 助力企业创新发展
- 对赌条款的设计和解决
- 周期行进中企业并购重组的趋势和特点
Target Audience
- CEO, COO, Legal Managers, Corporate Executives 企业高管
- Investor 投资人
- CLO (Chief Legal Officer)/General Counsel 首席法律顾问、总法律顾问
- Head Of Legal, VP Legal, Head Of Compliance, Legal Director, GM (Legal) 企业法务负责人、法务副总裁、合规负责人、法务总监、法务总经理
- Regional Counsels 企业法务
- Government official of commercial and legal affairs 法律界学者和官员
Benefits of Attending 参会理由
- FREE** passes to in-house counsels and business leaders with access to full-day sessions 聆听时下热门、前沿的法律话题
- Key insight into the latest M&A issues across Asia regions 结识业内人士、扩展人脉的绝佳机会
- In-depth panel dicussion sessions with some of the most distinguished corporate counsels in the region 与法律大咖面对面交流
- VIP networking luncheon and refreshments 享受自助午餐与茶歇
Click "REGISTER NOW" to get a free entry:
*Please note that free passes are not applicable to law firms and legal service providers. Representatives from law firms and legal service providers are welcome to contact Amantha ( for further information on how to participate in the event.
**Referrals are subject to approval. Terms and conditions apply.
点击 “立即注册” 获得免费入场资格: