ALB Indonesia Law Awards 2020

Date: 8 October 2020, Thursday
Other details will be provided soon.
Asian Legal Business (ALB) is proud to present the 7th Annual ALB Indonesia Law Awards 2020. These prestigious awards will pay tribute to the outstanding performance of private practitioners and in-house teams in Indonesia and around the region.
We are living through unprecedented disruption when everyone's business is facing so much uncertainty. Let us be at the forefront of promoting your capabilities and increasing your visibility in the market, so you will come out stronger when the crisis is over. Join us on this ceremony from the safety of your homes or offices and stay connected with the rest of the legal community.
Till the announcement of winners on ALB's first-ever Indonesia Law Awards online awards!
Bringing together senior legal professionals, clients and service vendors, ALB Law Awards is a perfect event to get your brand visable, generate new leads and achieve specific marketing objectives. For those who wish to be ALB's Event Sponsor or Award Sponsor for this first-ever Indonesia online law awards, we have customised packages for you. To discuss your goal and learn more about the partnership details and other marketing packages, please contact Romulus at or +65 6973 8248/ +65 8126 1532 for assistance.
Award Sponsor