ALB China Debt Restructuring Forum 2024 ALB中国债务重组论坛

Fri, 23 Aug, 2024, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM (GMT+8.0)

Conrad Beijing 北京康莱德酒店

29 North Dongsanhuan Road, Chaoyang District Beijing 北京市朝阳区东三环北路29号

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Welcome to ALB China Debt Restructuring Forum 2024!
欢迎来到2024 ALB中国债务重组论坛!

 23 August 2024 
Registration: 8.30am to 9.00am
Event: 9.00am to 4.00pm
Venue: 3F-Ballroom, Conrad Beijing 北京康莱德酒店3层宴会厅 (29 North Dongsanhuan Road, Chaoyang District Beijing/北京市朝阳区东三环北路29号)


基于上述市场变化, ALB将于2024823北京举办2024 ALB中国债务重组论坛,聚焦当前企业关注相关热点要点,帮助企业解决相关债务重组问题。论坛将汇集资深债务市场实务专家,企业法律顾问,公司高管,投资人,共同发掘债务市场最新的热点, 探讨应对挑战,把握机遇的解决方案。

  • 债权人、破产事务专员、破产从业人员
  • 会计师事务所、咨询公司、审计公司
  • 投资人
  • 债务人、困境企业
  • 公司法务、首席法务官、企业总法律顾问

  • 获知中国和其他不同司法管辖区关于重组和破产事项的最新监管和法律政策
  • 获取实务专家应对债务重组、解决企业债务困境等方面的经验和最佳实践
  • 了解掌握取回权、优先受偿权等对债权人的充分保护
  • 在法院审理前掌握债务人和债权人之间的基本谈判策略
  • 了解债务重组、破产及和解、重整与清算、债券等金融产品违约应对、不良资产与特殊机会投资等方面的运作和实践经验

Event Overview
Due to the continuous upsurge of corporate bankruptcy and reorganization in China in recent years, some new ideas and new investment opportunities have also become active in the current market. In particular, service trusts have entered the field of bankruptcy and reorganization, enterprises have been moving towards group development and the bond market has developed in depth, making risk management entrusted service trust business, substantive merger and reorganization of affiliated enterprises, and bankruptcy reorganization of bond defaulting entities have been favored. Everyone's attention. In addition, as investors pay more attention to bankruptcy reorganization investment, other reorganization investment opportunities such as mutual benefit bond investment have also become investors' consideration options.

Based on the above-mentioned market changes, ALB will hold the ALB China Debt Restructuring Forum in Beijing on August 23 2024, focusing on relevant hotspots that enterprises are currently concerned about, and helping enterprises solve related debt restructuring issues. The forum will bring together senior debt market practice experts, corporate legal advisors, company executives, and investors to jointly discover the latest hotspots in the debt market, discuss solutions to challenges and seize opportunities.
Target Audience
  • Creditors / Insolvency Practitioners
  • Accounting Firms / Advisory Firms / Auditing Firms
  • Capital Providers / Investors
  • Debtors / Distressed Firms
  • In-House Counsel / Chief Legal Officers

Benefits of Attending
  • Understand the latest regulatory and legal changes governing restructuring and insolvency matters in China and other different jurisdictions
  • Harness the enforcement rights, payment priorities, and adequate protection for creditors
  • Grab the essential negotiation strategies between debtors and creditors before court proceedings
  • Navigate divergent interests, recovering and transforming post-restructuring
  • Engage to learn creative solutions from leading restructuring and insolvency practitioners
  • Seize opportunities in rescue and distress financing for lenders and white knights
  • Special situations, stressed and distressed investing opportunities in Asia – translating legal differences into opportunities
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*Please note that free passes are not applicable to law firms and legal service providers. Representatives from law firms and legal service providers are welcome to contact Amantha ( for further information on how to participate in the event.
** Referrals are subject to approval. Terms and conditions apply.

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