ALB China Corporate Compliance Forum 2022 ALB中国企业合规论坛

Thu, 10 Nov, 2022, 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM (GMT+8.0)

The Langham, Shanghai, Xintiandi 上海新天地朗廷酒店

99 Madang Road, Xintiandi, Shanghai 200021, China 上海市新天地马当路 99 号

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Welcome to ALB China Corporate Compliance Forum 2022!
欢迎来到2022 ALB中国企业合规论坛!

 10 November 2022   
Registration: 8.30am to 9.00am
Event: 9.00am to 4.00pm
Venue: 3F-Grand Ballroom, The Langham, Shanghai, Xintiandi 上海新天地朗廷酒店,3层大宴会厅 (99 Madang Road, Xintiandi, Shanghai 200021, China 上海市新天地马当路 99 号)


基于上述市场变化, ALB将于2022年11月10日在上海举办2022 ALB中国企业合规论坛,聚焦当前企业关注的相关热点要点,帮助企业解决热点合规问题。论坛将汇集资深合规实务专家,企业法律顾问,公司高管,共同发掘企业合规最新的热点, 探讨应对挑战,把握机遇的解决方案。

  • 企业总法律顾问、公司法务
  • 企业合规负责人
  • 法律界学者、官员
  • 公司高管

  • 聆听时下热门、前沿的法律话题
  • 结识业内人士、扩展人脉的绝佳机会
  • 与法律大咖面对面交流
  • 享受自助午餐与茶歇
  • 获取演讲人笔记

Event Overview
In the context of my country's new era of economic development planning and comprehensive rule of law, the necessity of strengthening corporate compliance is particularly important, and more and more companies are paying more and more attention to compliance construction. Especially in recent years, with the release of the National Fourteenth Five-Year Plan, the pace of my country's digital society construction is gradually accelerating. In order to further deepen the construction of the digital economy, data compliance has inevitably become a hot spot that enterprises focus on. In addition, affected by the current economic environment, the continuous increase in the number of Chinese enterprises going overseas through the cloud has also led to an increasing demand for cross-border compliance by enterprises. How to do a good job in overseas compliance has also become one of the compliance needs of enterprises. At other levels, the passing of the new Anti-Monopoly Law and the entry into force of the Personal Information Protection Law have also brought new requirements to the construction of companies' compliance systems.

Based on the above market changes, ALB will hold the 2022 ALB China Enterprise Compliance Forum in Shanghai on November 10, 2022, focusing on relevant hot points that enterprises are currently concerned about and helping enterprises solve hot compliance issues. The forum will bring together senior compliance practice experts, corporate legal advisors, and company executives to explore the latest hotspots in corporate compliance, discuss solutions to challenges and seize opportunities.

 Target Audience
  • CLO (Chief Legal Officer)
  • Head Of Legal, VP Legal, Head Of Compliance, Legal Director, GM (Legal)
  • GCs, In-House Counsels, Regional Counsels
  • Government official of commercial and legal affairs
  • CEO, COO, Legal Managers, Corporate Executives

Benefits of Attending
  • FREE** passes to in-house counsels and business leaders with access to full-day sessions
  • Key insight into the latest compliance and legal issues in China
  • Networking ​opportunities ​with ​senior ​In-House ​counsels, ​lawyers ​and ​business ​leaders ​who ​are ​on ​top ​of ​their ​game
  • In-depth panel dicussion sessions with some of the most distinguished corporate counsels in the region
  • VIP networking luncheon and refreshments
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*Please note that free passes are not applicable to law firms and legal service providers. Representatives from law firms and legal service providers are welcome to contact Amantha ( for further information on how to participate in the event.
** Referrals are subject to approval. Terms and conditions apply.

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