“早起步少弯路”炉边对话会 | 主讲人:沈财福 Springboard Fireside Chat with Ron Sim

Mon, Feb 5, 2024 6:00 PM (GMT+8.0)
Armenian Street, SMU Yong Pung How School of Law, Singapore

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Brewing Success in the Digital Era: Crafting Global Brands in Coffee, Tea, Health Products & Nutrition

Speaker: Ron Sim
Executive Chairman, V3 Group

《联合早报》诚邀知名企业家沈财福分享他的创业和扩展事业的心得。他白手起家,创办傲胜国际,靠按摩椅闯出名堂。过去40多年里,他的身份已从“赛马”,转成商界的训马师和骑师,找到具潜力的“马匹”后策马奔腾,让它们迈向国际。他所创办的V3集团,旗下V3 Brands持有品牌包括TWG Tea和Bacha Coffee、傲胜国际、保健品利维喜(LAC)等国际化新加坡品牌。2023年,沈财福以20亿新元财富,在新加坡50大富豪榜中排第29。

Join us for a fireside chat with Ron Sim, Executive Chairman of the V3 Group and founder of the iconic OSIM brand of premium well-being chairs. An intrepid business builder, Ron has nurtured brands for over 40 years, including transforming OSIM into a leading innovator of wellness technology products. A self-made billionaire, he continues to steer the V3 Group, encompassing V3 Brands, V3 Capital, and V3 Assets. V3 Brands is dedicated to cultivating and expanding the footprint of beloved Singaporean-owned brands such as OSIM, TWG Tea, Bacha Coffee, and LAC. Through Ron’s strategic leadership, these iconic brands are scaling their offerings and capturing the attention of a growing international market. Don't miss this exclusive opportunity to discover inspiration, innovation, and insights from one of the most prominent entrepreneurs in Singapore.

日期 Date:2024年2月5日(星期一)5 Feb 2024 Monday
时间 Time:傍晚6时至8时30分(6pm - 8:30pm)*会提供晚餐 Dinner will be provided
地点 Venue:新加坡管理大学杨邦孝法学院(SMU Yong Pung How School of Law)

Please register your interest by clicking above before January 22 (Monday).
Session is mainly conducted in Mandarin. 
*Shortlisted participants will receive a confirmation email for the event.

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