《早报讲堂》:认识东南亚 ZB Lectures: Understanding Southeast Asia

Sat, Nov 28, 2020 4:00 PM (GMT+8.0)

讲堂将透过Zoom Webinar线上进行,免费但须预先报名 
The lecture will be held via Zoom Webinar. Free admission. Pre-registration is required.

*成功报名者将获电邮通知 Successful registration will be notified via email*

冠病“风暴”对本区域国家的影响有多深远?迷雾中航行的东南亚各国又是否同一艘船上? 各国目前为抑制病毒扩散,采取了不同的应对策略,“早报讲堂:认识东南亚”最后一讲主讲者梅农博士近期在深入研究不同东南亚国家低收入人民在冠病中受的影响后,一再主张逐步开放边境,拉平疫情“苦难曲线”,以减缓冠病对社会底层的经济冲击。


日期:11月28日 星期六 
活动语言:英语 *线上将提供中英同声传译
主讲嘉宾:贾扬特·梅农  博士   

更多详情,请浏览报道: “早报讲堂:认识东南亚”系列最后一讲 了解疫情下东南亚底层苦难

Lecture Six: Responding to Covid-19: Southeast Asia at a Crossroads
How badly is the Covid-19 storm affecting the region? Is everyone on the same boat? 

To contain the spread of the Covid-19 virus, different pathways have been adopted by the Southeast Asian countries. This last lecture of the series will look at how some of the poorer nations are impacted by current curtailment measures, and explore the idea of whether there is an urgent need to flatten the “misery curve” now by removing travel restrictions. Can the response be improved if the region acts as a whole? 

The lecture also seeks to reimagine Southeast Asia in a post-pandemic world, against the backdrop of a strategic rivalry between the United States and China causing tension in the region. 
Date / Time: 28 November (Sat) / 4pm to 5.15pm 
Language: English *Simultaneous interpretation (English to Mandarin) is available
Speaker: Dr Jayant Menon
|Visiting Senior Fellow at ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute
​|Former Lead Economist at the Asian Development Bank

ZB Lectures: Understanding Southeast Asia



  How well do we really know Southeast Asia? 
  In recent years, Southeast Asia has risen rapidly in the political and economic arena. Singapore’s fate is closely tied to the region. 
  Against this global backdrop, Lianhe Zaobao is launching six specially curated lectures. Come join us and learn more about Southeast Asia from a new perspective. 

活动地点:终身学习学院二楼讲堂 Lifelong Learning Institute, Level 2 Lecture Theatre 
地址:11 Eunos Rd 8, Singapore 408601 
费用:免费入场,须预先报名 Free admission, entrance based on registration
**成功报名者将获得电邮通知 Successful registration will be notified via email**


Reading the “Tea Leaves”: Major Power Rivalries in Southeast Asia
“How has the level of US engagement with Southeast Asia changed under the Trump Administration compared to the Obama Administration?” “If ASEAN was forced to align itself with one of two strategic rivals, would it choose US or China? ”
These were some of the questions posed to respondents of the “State of Southeast Asia: 2020” survey. For this survey, the ASEAN Studies Centre at ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute sought the views of 1,308 Southeast Asians, many of whom are regional experts and stakeholders from the policy, research, business, civil society, and media communities. The survey therefore aims to present a general view of prevailing attitudes among those in a position to inform or influence policy.
Profound changes are under way in the relationship between the Southeast Asian countries and the major powers. In the fifth of six lectures, Dr Tang Siew Mun discusses the survey results and explores the underlying implications, with a specific focus on US and China.
日期:1月17日 星期五
活动语言:英语 *现场将提供英中同声传译
Date / Time: 17 January (Fri) / 7.30pm to 9pm
Language: English *Simultaneous interpretation (English to Mandarin) is available
主讲嘉宾 邓秀岷博士

第四讲: 权力之争?——泰国新王权下的政治体系
Wrestling for Control? -- Thailand's political regime under the new reign



“早报讲堂:认识东南亚”第四讲,泰国资深媒体人甘佳纳昆迪(Supalak Ganjanakhundee)将解析泰国政治局势的最新动向,带你了解当地政治体制中,三股势力之间的互动与权利较量。

The elected government, military and monarchy are the three key players in Thailand’s political regime. How do these forces interact with and balance amongst themselves in the ever-changing political landscape?

In the first post-coup elections held in March this year, junta chief Prayut Chan-o-cha came to power. The relationship between the military and the government has since seen some subtle changes. In the meantime, the new King has been expanding his royal guard over the past year, recruiting more resources from the military to be under his direct command. 

In the fourth of six lectures, former Chief Editor of Thai media daily The Nation Supalak Ganjanakhundee explains the structure of Thailand’s current political regime, and sheds light on ties between the elected government and the military, against the backdrop of the new monarchy reign.

日期:11月23日 星期六
活动语言:英语 *现场将提供英中同声传译
Date / Time: 23 November (Sat) / 2.30pm to 4pm
Language: English *Simultaneous interpretation (English to Mandarin) is available

主讲嘉宾:素帕拉克·甘佳纳昆迪 Supalak Ganjanakhundee

第三讲: 冷战余音未了?——越南和柬埔寨的民族主义斗争
Echoes of the Cold War: Nationalist Struggles in Vietnam and Cambodia



Vietnam and Cambodia had a tragic history of violence and war for many years after World War Two. Because of this, they lost decades in economic development and fell behind other countries of Southeast Asia. The two countries were also the centres of proxy wars between great powers which had had major implications for ASEAN and Southeast Asia.
The two countries therefore provide some useful lessons in the post-World War Two conflicts between nationalism and communism, managing external power interventions and examining the domino theory of those days.
In the third of six lectures, Mr Daljit Singh discusses the changing dynamics between Vietnam, Cambodia and their immediate neighbours post-Cold War. The great power game in Southeast Asia is on again and both countries are trying to cope with it, albeit in slightly different ways.

活动语言:英语 *现场将提供英中同声传译
Date / Time: 3 October (Thus) 730pm-9pm
Language: English *Simultaneous interpretation (English to Mandarin) is available

主讲嘉宾:达尔吉星 Daljit Singh

Negotiating Identity in the Nusantara: An Indonesia and Malaysia Perspective
  How did the Malay people of Southeast Asia develop a modern cultural identity that is known to be above religion? 
  “Nusantara” is an Indonesia or Malay word for the Malay Archipelago. The people in this region has long been associated with moderate and tolerant views, but in the process of modernisation, the dominant opinion is that societies are undergoing a “conservative turn”.  Some say that there is a serious risk of loss of local identity and cultural roots. 
  In the second of six lectures, Dr Norshahril Saat takes a comparative look at the negotiation of modernity in contemporary Indonesia and Malaysia, and discusses how we can understand Islam and religion in Southeast Asia from a socio-historical perspective.

日期:9月2日(星期一) 时间:晚上7时30分—9时
活动语言:英语 *现场提供英中同声传译
Date / time: 2 September (Mon) 7.30pm-9pm
Language: English *Simultaneous interpretation (English to Mandarin) is available

诺沙里尔博士 Dr Norshahril Saat  

Lecture One: Still in the Making? Southeast Asia: From Plural Societies to Nation States


  We often refer to the region as “Southeast Asia”, but did you know that this frequently used term only came about during World War II? 
  Before that, the region was known commonly as “Nanyang” or “East India”, and the countries that make up Southeast Asia all had a colonial past, with the exception of Thailand. 
  In the first of a six-series lecture, Professor Suryadinata explores the idea of plural societies in Southeast Asia. He will be sharing on how the colonial masters used a divide-and-conquer approach to rule, and how this has in turn affected each Southeast Asian nation in their search for a common national identity post-independence. 

日期:8月10日(星期六) 时间:下午2时30分—4时
活动语言:华语 *现场提供中英通译
Date / Time: 10 August (Sat) 2.30pm-4pm
Language: Chinese  *simultaneous interpretation (Chinese to English) is available

廖建裕博士 Prof Leo Suryadinata
This event is over. For more information, please contact the organiser